See Abstract in PDF, XML, or in the Programme
Heyer, Gerhard
eAQUA Project, Natural Language Processing Group, Institute of
Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leipzig,
Büchler, Marco
eAQUA Project, Natural Language Processing Group, Institute of
Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leipzig,
Eckart, Thomas
eAQUA Project, Natural Language Processing Group, Institute of
Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leipzig,
Schubert, Charlotte
eAQUA Project, Ancient History Group, Department of History,
Faculty for History, Art, and Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig,
Thinking about text mining and its scope in the Digital Humanities, a comparison between the theory based work of the Humanities and the model driven approaches of Computer Science can highlight the decisive differences. Whilst Classicists primary rely on manual work e. g. using a search engine which just finds what is requested and skips non-requested but nonetheless interesting results, an objective model can be applied to the whole text and is closer to completeness. Even if the implication of the result doesn't depend on what the researcher does, the quality itself is typically worse than manual work. That's why the workshop combines both the quality of manual work and the objectivity of a model.
The workshop contains four sessions of 90 minutes as well as one hour for lunch (not provided) and two half-hour breaks (all in all 8 hours). Every session is segmented into three parts:
Based on the works within the eAQUA project of the last years, the modules Explorative Search, Text Completion, Difference Analysis as well as Citation Detection are chosen to highlight the benefits of computer based models. In detail that means:
Full day workshop: Monday, 5 July.
© 2010 Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Last Updated: 30-06-2010