Disabled access to all conference locations, plus disabled facilities.
Wireless internet access throughout all conference locations, and both wireless and ethernet access to presenters. Technical & admin support will be provided for all sessions.
Posters, demos & publishers’ stands will be on display throughout the conference, focused on the Great Hall, with overflow accommodated in spacious adjacent rooms.
A Book of Abstracts will be published online and in print. The abstracts will be marked up in XML, and prepared for publication in digital and print form using the software developed at the University of Victoria for DH2005, with the adaptations developed for its use in the CLiP2006 conference hosted at King’s.
Translations will be included in the Book of Abstracts as appropriate or necessary and if provided by the author(s), and as agreed with the Programme Committee.
There will be video recording and podcasting of all plenary lectures.
Arrangements are in hand for a programme of interviews with presenters and attendees, and this will be one of a number of conference features that will appear in the social networking framework arts-humanities.net. We will also ensure some number of conference blogs, perhaps aimed at different audiences. These features are an integral part of the Virtual Conference described elsewhere on the conference website.