Please note the following formatting guidelines when preparing the final copy of your abstract:
The absolute word limit for abstracts is 1500 words, exclusive of references and footnotes. Abstracts which exceed this limit will be returned.
Images should be supplied at 300dpi and uncompressed where possible (screenshots should normally be the only exception, and these should be supplied at the best possible resolution). Acceptable formats are TIFF, JPEG and PNG.
Abstracts will be printed in black and white only: do not include colour formatting in your text, and please select your images with this in mind.
Text should be supplied only in the following formats: Plain Text (.txt), Rich Text (.rtf), OpenDocument Text (.odt), MS Word (.doc or .docx), TEI Lite (P5) (.xml), PDF. If you are submitting your final abstract as a PDF, you must also provide a plain text version too.